Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Open Source & Transformable Mobile Prefabricated Micro House Group Solution-I (English and Chinese)

The Open Source & Transformable Mobile Prefabricated Micro House Group with Self- Sufficient System Solution (I)

開源與可變型移動式裝配型微型房屋自足體系解決方案 (I)

By Anqi Yang

Key Words
open-source architecture, modular building, open design, prefabricated architecture, sustainable architecture, micro-housing, co-housing, mobile housing, self-sufficient habitats, experimental architecture, transformable architecture, industrial design, residential and hotel, personalized design/manufacture, the experience economy



In the past several years, architectural design methods have been influenced by the latest technological achievements in a variety of fields-Big Data, VR, IOT, AI, online business, mobile internet, and personalize project development. There is no doubt that the architectural design industry will continue adapting to the internet business models and techniques widely and deeply. While, if we turn our focuses from the architecture design field to the other fields like the real estate industry, it proves that the statement is almost incorrect in reality. The facts are that the architecture design industry didn't occupy the market as public images normally, in contrast, the majority of the architecture and buildings projects over the world are developed and built by speculators and individuals, which means there is a huge number of building projects are manufactured and reproduced all the time. In this point, the architecture industry is far behind the IT industry. Fortunately, many companies and institutes started out a diversity of solutions, and the same manner is to give their clients more authority on personalizing on the design and construction process. 

In the past two decades, the Internet-led high-tech personal computers and mobile smart devices have dominated the world's personal consumer market; in the meanwhile, the Internet products and a variety of architectural applications have occupied market-dominating position, that is, the equipment defined by the software applications rather than the hardware itself, which means the core section is all about the user experience. As an illustration, in the interactive design field heavily focuses on the interface style, modules design, and operation processes. One typical example is the Android operation code, which is released in an open-source format, with Google indicating that it prefers the development of open standards. With the open-source format, software and application developers can use Android to develop mobile apps, which are sold through app stores.

It is noteworthy that the previous Pritzker Architecture Prize award-winning works reflect the contemporary and the evolution of modern architecture development direction objectively, especially in recent years, winning works, in fact, are temporary architecture projects, which are built by the recyclable and removed materials and structural systems. The award-winning projects partially reveal the contemporary and future living habitat hidden ideas and impulses. In the further steps, with highly integrated contemporary techniques and life philosophy, emphasizing the experience of the economy, participatory, personalize, and openness, the development of the living habitat project makes use of features of the Internet of things, large data, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and 3D Print digital manufacturing. The management method could refer to the hotel operation models rather than the traditional real estate management model, which is not friendly to the customers. 

The main task for this exploration of the project is to quest the efficient and valuable methods for the integration of the branch of technologies and new ideas. The exploration of the project is not intended to solve a specific commercial, political or social issue, on the contrary, as the project name, which proposed a series of open-ended propositions; the scope of the application is ambiguous and uncertain. The prototype of the project was transplanted from the early years of Japan's metabolic building models. In this new vision, the project combined with industrial design and engineering design, the Internet, open architecture design platform, artificial intelligence, and Internet business management model combined to its entire life cycle of maintenance management.




再提到聯合國人居署的實踐例子,幾乎所有的居住類建築 - 尤其是那些可負擔可持續的綠色居住建築保護都非常依賴於當地的技術,經濟狀況,產業商業規模,工藝和地域文化;而這些建築也非常深刻的反應出特殊的文化符號與文脈建築的裝飾,材料的搭配,風格與形態,結構 等都有體現。這對完全希望通過整體裝配式建築生產者以及那些過分強調商業運作的房地產商有一個極具價值的指導意義。差異化,藝術性,深入每個住宅單元體的細節,通過生命週期間不斷地微調,恰可解決了一些關於傳統建築的問題比如過於單調、缺乏變化的建築產品。預製建築本身就是技術與生產水平的進步表現,其意義在於,預製化建築是經過簡化了的類似項目,那麼就要避免構件複雜繁多,耦合匹配度低,不能兼容,替換複雜代價高難度大,修理難,拆卸回收率低的問題。


Application Directions and Open Management Mode
Under the requirement and request of the proprietaries, this project may be applied on or transferred to co-housing, live-work housing units, normal housing/apartments, boutique hotels, temporary houses, etc.

Method of Operation

Modular Interior Sets/Components
The transformable and modular furniture sets and interior functional space arrangement have become more significant in current residential/hospitality development and operation, which means not only interior enclosure structure can be easily changed or transformed at any time, but also the entire enclosure components can be changed and removed based on the requests. For instance, the solar shading devices can be easily removed during the winter seasons and installed in the summer seasons; the glazing farmings are transformable or made in modular systems that can adapt to the solar gain smartly, the terrace. In the same manner, the modular intelligent home appliances and equipment can easily fit the clients' requests.

Modular Living Units
Each housing unit can be added and replaced due to the needs of the owner/clients, and if the entire units are manufactured under the same standards and same modular system, the materials and the components can be shared within all the units. The facade of the housing unit can be changed at any time according to the needs of the owner's customer. The items to be changed include facade decorative components, folding fences, stretched terraces, and so on.

Platform/Open Structure System
Similarly, the mechanical equipment part of the project can also be replaced at any time changes, such as the need to adjust the number of wind turbines, solar panels, specifications, and increase the number of water tanks to balance the cost of spending.

根據業主要求,可作為共同住宅體系(co-housing),工作居住一體住宅(live-work housing),普通的住宅單元(normal housing/apartment),精品酒店(boutique hotel),臨時住宅(temporary house)等等。





A Typical list for the Modular and Smart Facilities/Equipment/Components
There are five groups of units integrated into the entire project: Housing Units, Kitchen/Dining Units, Open Structure System, Auxiliary Energy System, and Vehicle/ Load Platform.  

Optional components for the Housing Units
Intelligent furniture/ modular electrical equipment components, Internet of Things systems, transformable/ modular furniture components, interior partition components, artificial ventilation systems, natural ventilation systems, recycling/green construction materials, enclosure insulation structure, modular shade components, modular terrace components, intelligent control system, etc

Optional components for the Kitchen/Dining Units
Expandable kitchen equipment/cabinets, modular furniture sets, interior partition components, etc

Optional components for the Open Structure System
Pre-installed drainage system, waste collection system, solar hot water supply system, rainwater collector, drinking water tank, rainwater purification device, solid waste collector, generator set, central air conditioning system, lift equipment groups, ADA components, expandable distribution components, expandable pipe wells, expandable stairwells, expandable stair components, lighting equipment, sprinkler system, surveillance systems, etc 

Optional components for Auxiliary Energy System: expandable modular solar panel grids, removable wind turbine components, strong and weak systems, expandable battery pack components

The components for Vehicle /Load Platform
2 sets of heavy-duty crawler traction chassis, 2 sets of ultra-high power engines, large truss chassis structure, expandable steel frame grids (load system), hydraulic system, traction hinge, etc






Model of Operation
Similar to the general real estate development business model, the speculator releases the proposal, and makes the investment; the design and manufacture package will be finished by the subcontractors-designers, machinery and equipment providers, prefabricated residential design/manufacturer. And then go through the process of assembly commissioning as well as trial operation, project managers deliver the comprehensive parameter analysis during the trial operation period. In the next step the project is transferred to operation and management under the third party (or the developer itself); the third party will respond to any suppliers and components exchanges/adjustments due to the clients/speculators' requests during the life long term.


All the drawings, concept and designs are copyrighted. All images and works © 2015-2017 by Anqi Yang. All rights reserved and strictly enforced.. No part of this website may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the author.
該文章不討論具體的技術問題,僅作為概念設計的說明與論證;圖中的參數,尺寸,構件,建築樣式,設備等僅作參考。所有圖像和作品©2015-2017 by Anqi Yang。 版權所有。 未經作者事先書面許可,不得以任何形式或通過電子,機械,複印,錄音或其他方式複製或傳播本網站的任何部分。

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