Wednesday, May 3, 2017

A Brief Interpretation of National Register Bulletin (II) (美國國家歷史名錄登錄規則簡要解讀)

A Brief Interpretation of National Register Bulletin (II)


Aug 2013

By Anqi Yang

U.S. National Historic Landmark, the Connecticut State Capitol, facing Bushnell Park. 

This article will focus on evaluation of architecture style catalog. There are many specific terms and descriptions on architecture and construction design, and here the catalog are establishing a transition relationship between architecture and architecture preservation, which exams from the current to the history through the evaluation techniques.



Distinctive characteristics
"Distinctive Characteristics" are the physical features or traits that commonly recur in individual types, periods, or methods of construction. To be eligible, a property must clearly contain enough of those characteristics......Characteristics can be expressed in terms such as form, proportion, structure, plan, style, or materials. They can be general, referring to ideas of design and construction such as basic plan or form, or they can be specific, referring to precise ways of combining particular kinds of materials.

特徵鮮明的定義,廣泛的包涵在特定的風格、年代、建設方式中。 建築物必須明確包含足夠的特徵來符合登錄的條件,這裡的特徵可以建築的形式比例結構計劃(建築方案)風格樣式材料等方式表達。一般而言,它們可以通過建築設計和建造的構思反映出來,比如基本方案或者形式;或者具體來說,比如通過組合特定材料的精確方法來表達出來。

The definition of the form of architecture
According to the Webster Dictionary, “Form” is “the shape or contour of something a body of a living being, the basic nature of something, the way in which something exists; variety; style or manner as established by custom or regulation or etiquette; performance according to established criteria…style in musical or literary composition; the design or style of a work of art.” 

Louis I Kahn used to state his ideas about form and design in the book "Louis I. Kahn: Thoughts and Architecture Works", and he made the definition that “form is ‘what’ and design is ‘how’”. Kahn stated clearly that form is “a harmony of systems, a sense of Order…A form is the realization of nature, made up inseparable elements. Form has no shape or dimension…form precedes Design.” He added, “Design gives the elements their shapes, taking them from their existence in the mind of their tangible presence.” Kahn believes that “Form” refers to the permanent, forever, unchangeable and spiritual issues, which have no exact shapes and they are existing actually in one’s mind.

What is “Order”? Kahn says that order is the ways of an arrangement of the elements. From the Webster Dictionary, “Order” means “a condition where there is a logical arrangement or disposition of things; sequence or succession.” The order could be the methods of organization, arrangements, and planning of kinds of elements. They might follow with some typical rules. 

要區別建築形式與建築樣式(風格)的區別。韋氏詞典指出形式闡釋了物體的本質。根據建築大師路易斯康曾經給出的定義,“建築的形式是關於什麽的問題,而設計是關於途徑的問題。是和諧的一個系統,秩序的意義,形式是自然的意識,彌補不可分割的元素。 形式沒有形狀或尺寸...形式在設計之前。”而這裡的秩序,是元素組成的順序的特定方式與原理。比如,典型的羅馬天主教堂幾乎都採用拉丁十字平面,但其風格不盡相同,比如德國境內的羅曼式天主教堂與典型的意大利巴西利卡天主教堂具有很大的風格差異,但擁有共同的形式。

Type, period, and method of construction
"Type, period, or method of construction" refers to the way certain properties are related to one another by cultural traditional or function, by dates of construction, or style, or by choice or availability of materials and technology.


A structure is eligible as a specimen of its type or period of construction if it is an important example of building practices of a particular time in history. For properties that represent the variation, evolution, or transition of construction types, it must be demonstrated that the variation, etc., was an important phase of the architectural development of the area or community in that it had an impact as evidenced identified as the only such property ever fabricated; it must be demonstrated to be significant as well. 

如果一處工程是建築歷史上某個時間實踐的一個重要項目,那麼這處一個工程作為其類型或建設期符合登錄條件。 對於代表建築類型的變化、演變或轉型的項目,必須證明該變化等是該地區或社區建築發展的重要階段,因為它具有影響,被證明是只有這樣的財產曾經製造過; 它也必須被證明是重要的。 

Historic adaption of the original property
A property can be significant not only for the way it was originally constructed or crafted, but also for the way it was adapted at a later period, or for the way it illustrates changing tastes, attitudes, and uses over a period of time.


Works for a master
A master is a figure of generally recognized greatness in a field, a known craftsman of consummate skills, or an anonymous craftsman whose work is distinguishable from others by its characteristics style and quality. The property must express a particular phase in the development of the master's career, an aspect of his or her work, or a particular idea or theme in his or her craft.


About National Register of Historic Places
About National Historic Landmark (NHL) 
image source

Major Historical and Cultural Site Protected at the National Level is one of more than 4000 monuments listed as of significant historical, artistic or scientific value by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage of P.R.C.

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