Tuesday, November 9, 2021

The application of current digital modeling technology in related fields of architecture and design creation (links to various software tool platform resources/continuously updated until 2023.1.10) by Anqi Yang

Note: The appendix is in the end of this article which includes a large number of links to third-party resources/free or paid design software and application platforms, the tools/software can be referred or used according to specific situations.

  • About Digital Modeling
    • technical background
      • Since CAD technology entered the architectural design industry in the last few years of the last century, digital modeling has almost always dominated or influenced the development of this industry and its related industries. It is not only widely used in the architectural design industry, but also in other related industries. It has great potential and commercial value. Over the past two decades, the human lifestyle has undergone several profound changes, and the use of digital and intelligent equipment has long been a part of people's life and work development. In the field of architecture, the significance of digital modeling has also gone far beyond the modeling category that was only used as a tool in a certain stage of architectural design. Now it has been deeply infiltrated by many other related new technologies. Its significance and value It also profoundly affects architectural design and related industries. From the original two-dimensional drawing and simple 3D modeling to the current parametric modeling, digital sculpting, physical performance simulation, virtual construction, real-time dynamic rendering, VR/AR technology and enhancement technology, voxel modeling and rendering technology , Based on game architecture engine modeling technology, artificial intelligence, machine learning in architectural/interior/product/landscape design and urban planning various visualization parameter simulation applications (architectural generation, generative design, style migration, GAN, AI Generated Art , planning review), etc. Many new technologies have developed explosively in recent years, which has brought great challenges to designers and related practitioners. For example, AI technology, which has made major breakthroughs in recent years, has completely shocked the artistic creation of planes, products, illustrations, clothing, etc. industry, and even spread to interior design and interaction design. At the same time, the real-time interaction technology of the game engine, such as the rendering technology based on Unreal 5, has basically subverted the traditional rendering industry and the old design process. Game VR interaction scene. For another example, parametric design technology has further changed the original design process and methods, and has already begun to be applied to the preliminary design of a simple small store (see the AutoDesk generative design case below). Digital modeling and design simulation, scheme generation technology iterations are accelerating, and some aspects are accelerating rapidly, which is the main feature of the current digital modeling technology ecosystem based on the design and creation industry.
    • definition
      • It is true that the industries that support the development and operation of these new technologies go far beyond the architectural design industry itself, and are the result of the participation of countless scientific and technical talents, business leaders, experts in various industries, scholars, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, etc. within organizations such as the global computer/smartphone and other mobile device manufacturers, the computer/Internet graphics industry, the Internet technology industry/advertising industry, the VR/AR wearable device industry, the industrial design industry, the game industry, the movie industry, various national policy-making and administrative bodies, and other organizations. The result is the joint participation of numerous scientific and technical talents, business leaders, experts, scholars, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, etc. within organizations such as computer/Internet graphics industry, Internet technology industry/advertising industry, VR/AR wearable device industry, industrial design industry, game industry, film industry, various national decision-making administrative agencies, top academic institutions, and huge architectural planning companies. On the one hand, many architectural design entities are still stuck in the traditional design method, and their understanding of digital modeling remains in a narrow scope, only using digital modeling technology to do some 3D modeling and rendering display work, but not really using digital modeling technology throughout the whole process of planning, design, construction and operation. It should be pointed out that digital modeling in the architectural design industry is usually defaulted to the visualization and simulation of architectural models, but the concept of digital modeling itself is not preset to be visualized. Each industry has its own digital modeling technology, for example, the modeling in the built environment engineering is usually done by filling in the form of simulation calculations, and finally the desired model (to derive the indexes and parameters of each component of the building) is derived through continuous adjustment. The following section describes the specific aspects of digital modeling in the architectural design industry and related industries.

Monday, May 24, 2021


前记:基于美国的建筑产业/设计相关的标准及本人多年美国建筑/地产实践经验,本文第一部分简要的介绍最普遍的建筑外墙构造及组件材料cavity wall systems and barrier wall systems(中空墙系统和防渗墙系统)。


TYPE I 中空墙系统外墙基本构造如下:

1 Exterior Cladding (Natural or Synthetic) 也就是覆盖层,装饰层,采用天然或人造材料

2 Drainage Plane(s) 排水面层,使用各种防水膜/建筑纸(Building paper)

3 Air Barrier System(s) 空气格断层

4 Vapor Retarder(s) 汽水缓凝措施/材料层,使用防水气膜或相关材料

5 Insulating Element(s) 隔热保温材料层

6 Structural Elements 墙体结构

图1 中空墙系统通用构造(仅作为示例,不作为比例材料参考)图片来源:美国国家建筑科学研究院www.nibs.org

TYPE II 防渗墙系统基本构造如下:


图2 防渗墙系统通用构造(仅作为示例,不作为比例材料参考)图片来源:美国国家建筑科学研究院www.nibs.org



Wednesday, September 9, 2020


項目簡介:該項目位於是矽谷核心地段,身處在一片緊鄰太平洋的坡地森林中,風景秀美,是當地著名的豪宅區 。此項目改造重建(只留了外牆和少部分結構)及設計費用為3千萬美元)。該建築風格為法國羅曼底風格城堡式莊園,始建於1924年,9860平方英尺建築面積,2.5英畝佔地面的,景觀為美國著名的景觀建築師Thomas Church設計。目前我們的任務是將該建築及其周邊的園林景觀全部進行現代化改造。
以下為該項目所在地Hillsborough Ca的一片山崗中,可見周邊有不同風格類住宅群,遠處山後為太平洋:
建築佈局:建築分為三層,底層有6大功能分區組團,分為浴室SPA區,底層門廳Lower Foyer, 娛樂室Rec room,底層長廊Lower Hall及附屬房間,主人辦公室Office及附屬房間,客人房及附屬房間,樓梯大廳及設備室。二層則有5大功能分區組團,分為帶壁爐的家庭室Family Room及中島式廚房,走廊及主餐廳Dining Room,主入口處的門廳,帶壁爐的圖書館Library及起居室Living room,以及其他服務空間。三層主要是私密空間,比如主臥室Master Bedroom和兒童臥室kids Bedrooms,茶水間Cafe Bar,主浴室SPA及Master Wardrobe帶中島的主更衣室等。底層這六大功能分區滿足了業主的工作學習、休閒娛樂、服務、客人居住的四大需求。二層的5大功能分區則為業主提供了家庭互動、社交、就餐的三大需求,由於二層起居室家庭室外佈置了寬敞的代壁爐的露臺,延伸了室內視覺空間與功能空間。三層則滿足了業主一系列良好的私密性的臥室洗浴更衣空間,並能夠同其子女們進行親子互動,從三層的各個房間都可以眺望窗外的莊園與森林。

Thursday, October 4, 2018




作者:Anqi Yang





Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The Risk and Decision Making Strategies on Small and Medium Size Residence Investment at Architectural, Real estate Development and Business Professions' Point of View (I)

The Risk and Decision Making Strategies on Small and Medium Size Residence Investment at Architectural, Real estate Development and Business Professions' Point of View (I)

(updating and continued)

by Anqi Yang

Keywords and topic
Risk Type Decision/decision making under risk, Business strategies on real estate, Real estate investment evaluation system, Mathematics analysis, Data collection, Operation research, Real estate appraising, Real estate transaction, financing, tax, and development strategies, Marketing analysis, Site, and condition analysis and simulation, Reverse engineering, Data and analysis for marketing decisions, Building design strategies, Building climate control, Life-cycle cost analysis, Construction cost estimate, Financial analysis on investment, Operation and return System Engineering, Architectural programming

Introduction: A full picture of a small size private residential property's life cycle

Normally, for real estate developers, there are six core stages of developing a real estate project: feasibility and acquisition, design, financing, construction, marketing and leasing, and finally is operation and management. While if zone out to a larger picture and time range, a developer occupies at the very beginning of the time period, usually around two to three years for a small to a mid-size project. considering a relatively long time for a property's life, the majority of its life is occupied by the occupancy and tenants. As an example, once a customed built single-family house is sold out, the owners will modify it several couples of years and may sell it after a certain time. A marketing and new management process will occur, either by the seller or the listing agent. And again, it transformed to the new landlord, with different family sizes or plans for the property, for instance, transform it into a vocation or rent a property. During the transformation, the landlord may take time and budget to restore some facilities and fixtures, even the interior arrangement. This cycle will take a quite a long time until some legal policy has changed on the zone for the lot, or the new investor purchase the land with the property, demolish the improvement and rebuild the entire real estate property. As a consequence, until this point, the improvement finally finishes its entire life cycle.

Here is a simplified rental property lifecycle table,
Stage I, an investor purchase the property, if a land, go to III
Stage II. demolish the improvement, or go to Stage VI
Stage III, the investor develop the land under the development principles
Stage IV, marketing for sale or leasing
Stage V, property sold, or rent out
Stage VI, if rent out, investor or third party manage the property
Stage VII, restore the property in a couple of years
Stage VIII, repeat IV to VII; if the improvement is demolished then go to Stage II